10 Simptome Care Nu Ar Trebui Ignorate: Când Să Consulti un Ginecolog

10 Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore: When to See a Gynecologist

Gynecological health is essential to the overall well-being of every woman. It is important to pay attention to the signals that our body sends, and some symptoms may indicate more serious problems that require the intervention of a specialist. Here are 10…

Rolul Testelor de Screening în Prevenirea Cancerului de Col Uterin

The Role of Screening Tests in the Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a serious condition that can affect women of all ages. However, through regular screening tests, this type of cancer can be detected in its early stages and treated effectively. In this article, we will explore the importance of tests…

Fertilitatea și Vârsta: Ce Trebuie să Știi pentru a Planifica o Sarcină

Fertility and Age: What You Need to Know to Plan a Pregnancy

Fertility is an essential aspect of reproductive health, and age plays a crucial role in the conception process. Although many women can become pregnant during their reproductive years, age can influence both the chances of conception and the health of the pregnancy.

Ghidul complet pentru primul control ginecologic

The complete guide to the first gynecological examination

The first visit to the gynecologist can be a new experience and, for many young women, accompanied by emotions or even anxiety. However, it is an important step for every woman's health, giving her the chance to understand her body and maintain her health…

Everything you need to know about HPV and the HPV vaccine

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Almost all sexually active people will contract HPV at some point in their lives, but many will have no symptoms or health problems. However, some...

Ce este intreruperea de sarcina?

What is pregnancy termination?

Introduction Termination of pregnancy, also known as abortion, is the termination of an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, either by medical methods or spontaneously. It is a complex procedure with significant emotional, social and medical implications that...

De ce sunt importante consultatiile ginecologice de rutina

Why routine gynecological consultations are important

Regular visits to the gynecologist are an essential component of the preventive care of women's health. Although they may seem intimidating or uncomfortable, gynecological check-ups offer a multitude of benefits that can significantly contribute to maintaining health and...

Ce este ginecologia ?

What is gynecology?

Gynecology is a vital branch of medicine devoted to the health of the female reproductive system and related organs. Its fundamental role is to diagnose, treat and prevent conditions that can occur throughout a woman's life, from puberty to...